Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: Examining the Truths and Fictions we Tell Ourselves with Lori Gottlieb | Kids Out and About Milwaukee

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: Examining the Truths and Fictions we Tell Ourselves with Lori Gottlieb

*The event has already taken place on this date: Tue, 10/22/2024
Every year, nearly 30 million Americans sit on a therapist’s couch—and some of these patients are therapists. In her remarkable book Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Lori Gottlieb tells us that despite her license and rigorous training, her most significant credential is that she’s a card-carrying member of the human race. “I know what it’s like to be a person,” she writes, as a crisis causes her world to come crashing down.

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Contact name: 
Christine Weidman
The event has already taken place on this date: 