Summer Camp Advertising 2016 on | Kids Out and About Milwaukee

Summer Camp Advertising 2016 on

Looking for visibility for your summer camps this year? KidsOutAndAbout has you covered!

KidsOutAndAbout Summer Camp visibility opportunities 2015

To purchase any of these below, or the package for $750, use the form below. Questions? Contact or 585-329-5953. If you already have these items in your annual contract with us, be in touch with your account representative to make sure everything is executed as you'd like.


1. The Free Stuff: Post to the calendar

Most important: Make sure you do the free stuff! Log in to your account and post your summer camps to our camp calendar. You’ll see the link to the form from your My Account page. If you are having trouble logging in, email and Hannah will help you with your user ID and password. 

When you are completing this form, you have two options: To enter your entire camp season in ONE post (the quick and easy option), or the somewhat-more-tedious but more effective option, which is to enter the camps week by week or option by option. Posting your camps all at once, with a generic title (“Summer camp at Camp Ranequa,” for example), is fast. You can paste all of the details into the Long Description box, and make sure you click in the calendar on each and every day you’re holding camp. But posting them week by week or subject by subject is more effective, because it pushes more information at a glance to the parents reading our site (e.g., Horseback riding program at Camp Ranequa, Harry Potter Camp at Camp Ranequa).  You can add a week, then save it, then hit the Clone tab, change the info, and save again, as a quick way of entering multiple weeks.


2. Upgrade so you're extra-visible!

Upgrading your listing is $95/month. This pushes your organization to the top of any list in which it appears , pushes your camp weeks to the top of our Week by Week Summer Camp calendar, and highlights both with graphics. Our social media coordinator has you on her list to post to our Facebook and Twitter audience. You can upgrade in any month you want, or all-year-round to maintain your position at the top of lists


3. Image Ad on Main Camp page: $350

Having an image ad (300 pixels wide by 200 pixels high) on our main camp portal, the Week by Week Guide to Summer Camps 2015, is $350 for the season. You would need create the ad (or have it created) and submit it to us to post.


4. Content ad on Camp Subject page: $300

Having a content ad at the top of any Camp Subject page is $300 for the season. You would simply choose the subject (Dance? Day camp? Sports/fitness?), write a paragraph about your camp of about 100 words + send us a logo or graphic, 


5. Paragraph in Summer Camp newsletter: $100 

Our summer camp newsletter comes out either the first week of April, or the first week of May, depending on the region. Having a paragraph in this newsletter (100 words +graphic) is $100. If you miss the deadline, you can use this paragraph in any of our regular Thursday newsletters. 


All of these options together retail for $1130. You can purchase them individually, or get the whole package for $750. (And yes, we can substitute additional subject camp page content ads if you don't want to do the image ad on the main page.) If you want visibility in multiple markets, please don't use the form below; instead, contact your KidsOutAndAbout representative for special package.


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