Spieker's Pumpkin Farm

Spieker’s Pumpkin farm is a family owned farm. First a dairy farm, then a hog farm and now a pumpkin farm. The farm has been in the family for over 100 years. We purchased the farm from Tom’s parents the late Merlin and Lois Spieker in 1988. Merlin’s parents, the late Elvira and Otto Spieker, owned the place previously and purchased it from the late Mary and Emil Spieker.
Our love for gardening brought us to plant a small patch of pumpkins. We sold a small trailer full that first year and planted a bit more each year after that. We then added squash, indian corn. gourds, corn stalks and dried flowers. As the inventory expanded we ran out of space in our garage so we opened our barn for business. We then added the petting barn, straw maze, corn field maze, weekend wagon rides to pick your own pumpkin and school tours.